2008年10月9日 星期四

Japanese aquarium puts dolphins on weight-loss plan

Reaction Article #2
Date: 09-10-2008
From: Taipei Times

Japanese aquarium puts dolphins on weight-loss plan

My Reactions:
The article of Taipei Times is talking about some fat dolphins. That dolphins were getting fat so that they had some difficulties to perform their water tricks, therefore, the audiences who want to watch the performance of the aquarium had been less interested. So the Japanese zookeeper of the aquarium decided to conduct a dietary plan for them.

People always say “Hey man, you should keep fit” but I had never head “Dolphins, you have to be on a diet”. I am very surprised and interested about the article. I understood that too fast is not good for human or animal. It will bring us so many inconveniences in our daily life and also bring the illness to us when we are in an old age. I agree being on a diet is good for us, but don’t forget to take exercise, for it is also important.

I hope the zookeeper of the aquarium can also use other way besides being on a diet to the dolphins. Because I think it will be better for the dolphins. (200 words)
